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Custom Action - Limit Update Requests Recipients and Tasks

For the "Send Update Request" function in Custom Actions, is there a way for the sender to limit the recipient list and what tasks/fields are on those emails? Don't see how user input variables can be used to set these parameters.

Devlend Maul Answered

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Not at this time, but you can create custom actions and other configurations to replace this action. It would require some work, but can be done. What is the use case? The action currently is sent to resources assigned to the selected item (and sub items) for items that have not already been completed.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Case: There is a larger project where SMEs to senior management individuals can be assigned tasks/ownership. The PM needs to report on the technology progress which are certain tasks of one of the milestones. PM would like to send an email targeting those individuals on the relevant tasks. This is only one scenario out of a number of possibilities. If there is a way to configure, could you please provide some guidance (even if only at a high level). Thanks

Devlend Maul 0 votes
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