Hi Andrew, can you please submit a support ticket for this.
How do I stop this error? What does it mean? Who is examining the errors?
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Hi Andrew, can you please submit a support ticket for this.
Tickets have been entered. This issue persists after almost 2 years. Support is incapable of reproducing the issue. Due to this I am told nothing can be done. That is why I raised the issue here in hopes someone other than the unable to help support team can help.
I don't see an open ticket, can you email me the ticket number at josh @ clarizen.com
If we can't reproduce, this is likely a browser or network error. Standard troubleshooting steps are to install browser updates, OS updates, and restart your computer. If that doesn't work, then clear cookies, cache, disable all extensions, and restart one more time. If multiple users are getting this it is likely a network or firewall issue--we recommend whitelisting the clarizen.com domain.
I will see if I can procure those tickets. I have done all the things mentioned, I even switched to a brand new laptop. This is one of many errors I have the pleasure of experiencing using your software.
Any updates?
Yes, will answer in the ticket.
Could anyone find the root cause of this issue? As I am facing the same while opening timesheets in simple view.