You can create a task or milestone report that looks for all items with a specific name. As long as there are no typos, it should be able to pick up all the tasks with that name across all the projects you have permission to access.
I have about 20 projects configured in clarizen. Often, I come across a need to generate a report, which should be prepared by picking up a particular task across all the projects.
For example, all 20 projects have a Go-Live Date and a Operations Sign off Date. I am required to generate a report which would contain Go-Live and Operations Sign off Date for all 20 projects.
It's like picking up a particular task across all projects and generating a report.
How can this be achieved ?
Thanks & Regards,
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You can create a task or milestone report that looks for all items with a specific name. As long as there are no typos, it should be able to pick up all the tasks with that name across all the projects you have permission to access.