Official comment

For future reference the request ID is CR-217461.
If someone starts a discussion on a task, you may be sent a mail notification.
However, the first line may be Peter > Integration and then followed by the text. This does not really give you any context. On discussions on work items, I need the full path, such a Peter > Project new > Milestone > User story 1 > Integration - this way I can actually see the context of the discussion without having to open Clarizen.
For future reference the request ID is CR-217461.
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Hi Peter,
Thank you for the great idea! I have inputted a feature request and will let you know if and when it gets implemented. Thank you again for suggesting ideas to make our product better!
I have also received this same complaint from users. Adding customer name and project name to the notifications would be helpful.
Hello, is there any update on this issue and whether a change is likely to be implemented? We name our projects with the full project title, but we comment and discuss at a task level. Therefore when receiving an email notification of a discussion there is no indication of which project the discussion relates to. As people can be working on numerous projects, many of which would have similar task titles, it's not very helpful. Thanks.
This is the exact reason we need it as well.
Please add me to the list - as the discussion email only includes a title and not the ID. Many are asking for the ID/path information as well.
Are there any updates on this request? If not, please add me to the list as well.
Add me to this, if I am not already included on the CR
Any updates on this (CR-217461)? This is becoming more important for us as we continue our Clarizen rollout.
There are going to be some tweaks to these emails in the near future, but there are no updates on full customization.
We are interested in updates on this feature as well.
Hi there, same needs, very very interested of this functionnality, either in the object mail or body mail. Thanks
This is already supported for Work Items in Project hierarchies. Here's an example from Email.