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Data loader - project finance information

We have a service/ticket allocation system where engineers log their effort against specific tickets which is translated into a cost. What we are aiming to do is import summary cost information (actual cost, budget etc) into a related project in Clarizen and I am trying to use the data loader to do this. I cant see or work out a way to update an existing project nor can I see how finance information can be updated as none of the selectable item types in the data loader relate to finance.

Has anyone done anything like this?

Thank you

Adrian Rowley Answered

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You can do so with the data loader by choosing Projects. The Item types describe objects in Clarizen, and the fields you are talking about exist on the project object, so you will be uploading to a project. You should be able to leverage the logic that explains how to use the data loader from here: Data to Clarizen.

Put the field names you are trying to update as the column headers.

Devin Williams 0 votes
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Please refer to my attached image. You can update an existing project by using PK: before the name of the field. PK indicates it as the primary field. This will look at the field and use it as a reference to what work item you want to update. Without the PK, it will add an object instead of updating it. As you can see from my template, I used SYSID to reference the ID of the project (e.g. P-19302) that I want to update. 

Tom Do 1 vote
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