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API Keys Primary vs Secondary

Hi, I am testing the new API Key support ( So far, it's working as expected for both "primary" and "secondary" keys. But it is unclear what the purpose is for the "secondary" key. What is the difference between these keys? Why would you use one over the other?

John Armao Answered

Official comment


Hi John,

The secondary key should be used for easy refreshing and continuous service.

For example, if you have a service that connects to the Clarizen API you can add both tokens to your code. The primary token will be used until you decide to revoke it. When you revoke it you don't want your service to stop working so you can set it to automatically work with the secondary token until you generate a new primary token. This will ensure your service will not fail to connect to the Clarizen API.

I hope this helps,


Elad Franklin
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Thanks Elad,

I saw the "continuous service" comment in the release notes. I don't know of cases where i would need to revoke the primary key prior to the expiration. It may not apply in my case.

John Armao 0 votes
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Follow-up question...

We have multiple environments with a separate service account for each. Is there some way to identify which account a given API key is associated to?


  • user_acct_1  |  dev environment   | api_key:  aaaa11bbbb22
  • user_acct_2  |  test environment   | api_key:  cc33dd44ee55
  • user_acct_3  |  prod environment  | api_key:  ff66gg77hh88ii99

If all I have is a list of API keys, how would I determine which account is linked to each API key?

John Armao 0 votes
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