Official comment

Hi Edward,
Have you tried using OnHold with POST ?
Thank you,
If the project State is Active - my API update works (using Upsert)
If the project State is On Hold - I can active, and update but can not figure out how to set lifecycle back to On Hold - I tried both /data/Lifecycle and using upsert via /bulk/execute
error with Lifecycle:
{"errorCode":"InvalidArgument","message":"\r\n Invalid operation: On Hold\r\n Parameter name: Operation","referenceId":"6YxOCQyOuSUJRKxoLdslt"}
error with upsert:
{"responses":[{"statusCode":500,"body":{"errorCode":"InvalidOperation","message":"Invalid operation: Field 'State' cannot be updated. The field is marked 'read-only'.","referenceId":"147WDj7jIknVFjuEqKg5zo"},"headers":[]}]}
any suggestions?
Anyway to avoid the rules from getting run? I don't want the "Actual End Date" to get updated. I can save it to possibly set it back - but don't think it will let me do that.
Hi Edward,
Have you tried using OnHold with POST ?
Thank you,
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