Share Your Ideas & Suggestions
Ideas and requests for new features. Suggest ideas. Vote for the best. See what's planned.
Request Information in Slide Publisher
Bubble Charts on Slide Publisher
Highlights from Reports on Slide Publisher
New Roadmaps UI
Task Module - Related Project Fields
Process Monitor Tool - Include Custom rules in monitoring
Discussion posts should update "last updated by" and "last udpated on" fields
Change History - Task Level
Meeting Notes - Attach files
Social / Discussion - Android app functality
Android mobile app - external link functionality
Allow report creators to schedule them to be emailed
Changes to Permission Access Levels in Change History
Please retain and display Creation Date column for the Custom Fields, Configurations Rules, UIs
BLOCK users from making changes until SENDING message disappears
Audit (Log) on Executed Workflow instances
BUMP- POWERBI intergration
Hierarchy for Cases
Add days of the week to date fields as a formatting option
Graphs configurable in slide publiser ppt
Enhance Meeting Note Functionality
Add Gantt Chart to Reporting
Do not push work item state changes to children
System seeded project templates vs. customer generated project templates
Responsive project names in portfolio roadmaps
Exclude Placeholder Resources from total Capacity in Capacity Planning tool
Ability to track Capacity Planning range changes
Support aggregate functions for formula fields on time phased reports
My work column configuration issues
Meeting Notes export